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The Magi and the Megalomaniac

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Matthew 2:1-12 The story of the Magi serves as a reminder that Satan and sin’s power on the earth is coming to and end.

The Son of David

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Matthew 1:1-17 In Matthew’s portrait of Christ, Jesus is the King in whom all of the promises of God are “yes and amen.”

Is He Worthy?

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Revelation 5:1-10 The Christian and the Church as a whole ought to be both the cross and mission, for both are intricately intertwined for the… Read More »Is He Worthy?

One Thing You Lack

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Mark 10:17-31 A disciple is a giver whose giving visibly displays the infinite value of Jesus.

Do As I Have Done

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John 13:1-20 Disciples are servants who follow their Lord’s pattern of service.

Perfect Makes Practice

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Philippians 4:1-9 Our union with Christ energizes us to stand firm in unity, joy, gentleness, peace, and beauty.

Christlike Companions

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Philippians 2:19-30 Timothy and Epaphroditus provide a realistic picture of the Christ-centered life: multiplying others-focused disciples with missional courage.

Growing in Obedience

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Philippians 2:12-18 Christians must grow in their obedience to Christ.

Serving Like the Savior

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Philippians 2:1-11 Christians follow the model of Christ as they serve each other and pursue gospel-centered unity.

A Glimpse of True Joy

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Philippians 1:3-11 Paul challenges our understanding of true joy in the best way possible as he writes to the Philippians from a prison cell.

We Do Not Walk Alone

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Psalm 105 The Lord is worthy of our praise because he preserves his people and brings them to his place.