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As believers in Jesus Christ we are commanded to make disciples where we live, as well as internationally.  At GCO, we seek to be gospel-centered and cross-cultural as we make disciples of all nations through prayer, evangelism, discipleship, and church planting to the glory of God.

The Great Commission

The mandate for missions was given to the church of all ages. We believe the Great Commission belongs to every Christian and every local church. After His resurrection, Jesus gave this command to His followers: 

All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age

– Matthew 28:18-20

3 Crucial Components of Missions

Though there are many good works in which faithful believers may engage among the nations, we believe that missions are distinguished by three crucial components:

Prayer for the Nations

Grace Church commits to pray for the nations and their missionaries, particularly the ones who receive support from us.

We also commit to hold missionaries accountable to be active in prayer and in sending updates, that we as a congregation may pray for their effectiveness.

Evangelism & Discipleship

Our goal in missions, however, is not simply to make converts, but rather to make disciples of Jesus.

Grace Church commits to give our primary support to missions that prioritize evangelism & discipleship as their primary work.

Church Planting

In both the book of Acts and Paul’s Epistles, it is clear that missions includes planting and strengthening local churches. Disciples were made through discipleship, and then they gathered together in local gatherings of believers for further sanctification and growth.

Because the health of these local churches is essential to Great Commission work, Grace Church commits to support missions that endeavor to build up local churches among the nations.

Prayer for the Nations

Grace Church commits to pray for the nations and their missionaries, particularly the ones who receive support from us.

We also commit to hold missionaries accountable to be active in prayer and in sending updates, that we as a congregation may pray for their effectiveness.

Evangelism & Discipleship

Our goal in missions, however, is not simply to make converts, but rather to make disciples of Jesus.

Grace Church commits to give our primary support to missions that prioritize evangelism & discipleship as their primary work.

Church Planting

In both the book of Acts and Paul’s Epistles, it is clear that missions includes planting and strengthening local churches. Disciples were made through discipleship, and then they gathered together in local gatherings of believers for further sanctification and growth.

Because the health of these local churches is essential to Great Commission work, Grace Church commits to support missions that endeavor to build up local churches among the nations.

Upcoming Trips

Missionaries We Support

Church Planting

Along with supporting missionaries around the globe, Grace Church is committed to supporting organizations that endeavor to build up local churches among the nations. 

Contact Us

To learn more about our Missions ministry, or if you have questions, please send us a message using the form below. 

Mike Talley
