Light in the Darkest of Places
Matthew 4:12-25 Christ has come to bring restoration in the darkest of places.
Matthew 4:12-25 Christ has come to bring restoration in the darkest of places.
Matthew 4:1-11
Matthew 3:13-17 It is because Jesus, the God-pleasing son, fulfilled righteousness and because he allows us to be unified in him that we now can… Read More »The God-Pleasing Son
Matthew 3:1-12
Matthew 2:13-23 The sorrows that might initially look like setbacks to God’s plan are in reality fitting perfectly in propelling forward his promise and purpose.
Matthew 2:1-12 The story of the Magi serves as a reminder that Satan and sin’s power on the earth is coming to and end.
Matthew 1:18-25 Jesus was born to be King, who as the perfect image of the invisible God would reign on the throne forever in righteousness… Read More »O Come, O Come Emmanuel
Matthew 1:1-17 In Matthew’s portrait of Christ, Jesus is the King in whom all of the promises of God are “yes and amen.”