GraceKids ministry seeks to come alongside parents to help kids know and love God.
We have Sunday School classes each Sunday at 9:15am, where kids learn alongside peers their own age and are taught by a trained leader. Here at Grace we use The Gospel Project, a Christ-centered, chronological Bible study curriculum for kids.
Birth - 18 mos
18 mos - 3 years
3 - 5 years
Kinder - 1st Grade
2nd - 3rd Grade
4th - 6th Grade
Children's Church
Children's church is offered for children from infancy to
Kindergarteners and up typically join us during the worship service. We believe that kids benefit greatly from seeing their parents and people of all ages singing and listening to God’s Word. We are not bothered by the children laughing or spilling their crayons. If anything, we believe the simple joy these children display in worship is a model for the rest of us. Having children in the service is a visible reminder that the Kingdom is for little ones such as these.
We know this isn’t always easy, so each week we provide a sermon guide and activity sheets for your kids’ busy hands.
And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, "Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."
Matthew 18:2-3
Sunday Afternoons
3pm - 4:30pm
Grace Church is the charter organization for Trail Life – Troop 519.
Our troop accommodates boys age 5-17 where they gain knowledge about outdoor skills, citizenship, character, friendship, and faith through fun activities, awards, and skill instruction.
Contact Us
To learn more about GraceKids or if you have questions, please send us a message using the form below.
Amy Butler
children’s discipleship